In 1923, nine of the most prominent literary experts were asked by the editors of Vanity Fair to name "the ten great writers whom they found most thoroughly boring.
In this world of uncertainties, there is, at any rate, one thing which may be pretty confidently set down as a certainty:
At Jokers’ Casino I am allowed complimentary grilled-cheese for a 2000 shilling stake any given night. A Fanta in glass was certainly on the table for a day’s bets, but only as a matter of inclination;
The world is spinning and I realize
I’m the only poet at this Bain Capital party
There is one bottle of each of the best
High end spirits, a treadmill, and an Xbox,
This god, that god, your god.
The peacock is in the zoo.
The light-keeper is fanning colors.
JUNE 29, 1851.—They are going to have a Fourth of July celebration and barbecue at Selby Flat in opposition to Nevada. Half a dozen more families have settled there in the last month. Both of the Missouri girls are married; women can't stay single long in this country.
In 1861, Mark Twain traveled by stagecoach from St. Joseph, Missouri to the Nevada Territory.
The world swelters, even at twilight on this August Sunday. My great love naps, her hair lank and humid across her forehead. The blunt protrusion of an empty wine bottle from last night’s party,
I ask for symbols and you deliver them.
An Iowa shirt, building sign, cup of grappa
at the hotel before an evening walk,
Ordinariness has always eluded me. Not that I ever searched for it very hard – it was too much fun to wow my classmates with tales of my rather colorful childhood...
Let us start at the beginning...
I've begun to think now that I maybe just panicked this afternoon, and then over-reacted some. But I'm still not sure yet, I still don't know for sure.
Dear P,
A colleague of mine who does long term restorations of important instruments has been bringing back to life the instrument the great cellist Pablo Casals...
It begins. It thumps with glee.
A two note school-ruler-on-desktop buzz jam.
Snares crackle, bass drums thud,
And a haunted voice carrying fragile strands of melody